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Northwest Wireless (Wi-Fi)


威尼斯人在线为教师提供安全的有线和无线网络, 持有有效西北网络账号的教职工和学生. 没有西北网络帐号的校园访客也可以通过校园有线网络和访客Wi-Fi上网.


  • Secure Wi-Fi
    • 教职员工、学生和校友是否可以访问当前有效的 Northwest Network Account username and password.
    • Allows users to access the internet and all Northwest Network Account 登录特定的服务和资源,包括打印到校园网络打印机.
    • 在所有校园教学楼和宿舍楼都有吗.
  • Personal Wi-Fi
    • 住在学生宿舍的学生可以使用吗.
    • 允许学生将个人设备连接到校园Wi-Fi,不能连接到 Secure Wi-Fi.
    • Requires a personal password that is sent to your Northwest email account.
  • Guest Wi-Fi
    • Can be accessed by visitors and others who do not have a current valid Northwest Network Account username and password.
    • 允许用户访问互联网并完成大多数在线任务,如检查电子邮件或进行谷歌搜索.
    • 不允许打印到校园联网打印机或访问其他 Northwest Network Account login-specific resources.
    • Is available in public gathering areas like B.D. 欧文斯图书馆,学生会和车站.


如果你有一台校园发放的笔记本电脑,访问威尼斯人在线Secure wireless network is fast and easy. Simply do the following:

  • Turn on your laptop.
    • 确保Wi-Fi连接指示灯处于开启状态.
      • 通常位于笔记本电脑的键盘区域内
    • Log in with your Northwest Network Account current username and password.
    • Make sure you are connected to the NWMSU_Secure 通过无线网络检查可用的网络.
      • 无线图标通常位于任务栏屏幕右下方.
      • 要查看你是否有Wi-Fi,点击图标,看看它是否显示你已连接 NWMSU_Secure wireless.
    • Once you are connected to NWMSU_Secure, you will have full internet access.


  • See the Laptop & Tablet tab for instructions.


  • Yes, you can!
    • See the Smartphone tab for instructions.


  • See the Help tab.

Northwest Wi-Fi & Your Personal Laptop or Tablet


If you have a Northwest Network Account username and password and want to connect to the Secure 与安装了Windows 10操作系统的个人电脑进行无线网络连接, 确保你的无线网卡是由Windows而不是第三方控制的.  You must have a valid Northwest Network Account username and password to use the Secure wireless network.

Windows Wireless Connection Instructions

  • Windows 10 - Basic Steps

    • Click the Wi-Fi icon in the taskbar (lower right side).
      • 如果看不到图标,通常必须单击向上箭头使其可见.
      • Also, make sure you are not in airplane mode.
    • Click the Wi-Fi network you want to join such as NWMSU_Secure.
    • Click the Connect button.
      • You can also uncheck the box that says Connect automatically if you prefer to manually connect in the future.
    • Enter your Northwest Network Account username and password when prompted.
  • Windows 11 - Basic Steps

    • Click the battery, sound or Wi-Fi icon in the taskbar (lower right side).
    • Click the arrow 在快速设置窗口的Wi-Fi图标旁边.
    • Click the Wi-Fi network you want to join such as NWMSU_Secure.
    • Click the Connect button.
      • You can also uncheck the box that says Connect automatically if you prefer to manually connect in the future.
    • Enter your Northwest Network Account username and password when prompted.

Troubleshooting tip:  Having difficulty getting connected?  Make sure your Northwest Network Account password is not expired.  You will not be able to get on Northwest's secure wireless network if your password is expired!

Mac Wireless Connection Instructions

Easily get on NWMSU_Secure Wi-Fi by doing the following:

  • Turn on your Mac.
    • 你的Mac应该会自动搜索并找到该区域可用的网络.
  • Click on the wireless icon in the top right menu bar of your screen.
  • Select the NWMSU_Secure option.
  • A screen should appear for you to enter your Northwest Network Account username and password.
    • Make sure your password is not expired.
      • If your password is expired, you will not be able to connect to NWMSU_Secure  Wi-Fi.
  • 选择让您的设备记住密码或将您的凭据保存在密钥链中.
    • 您的设备可能需要几分钟才能获取网络信息. 
    • 如果再次要求输入密码信息,请继续输入.
    • 弹出窗口将提示您信任来自的证书 Click the Trust button.
  • You should now be connected to Northwest's Secure wireless network.

Northwest Wi-Fi & Your Personal Smartphone


了解如何使用iPhone或Android智能手机连接到西北Wi-Fi.  下面的说明是典型的,但可能因型号和操作系统而异.

iPhone Instructions 

  • Go to Settings.
  • Select Wi-Fi.
    • Make sure Wi-Fi is turned on.
  • 选择需要加入的Wi-Fi网络名称.
    • Northwest has three available networks Secure, Personal and Guest for you to choose.
    • 教职员工、学生和组织的有效证件 Northwest Network Account usernames and passwords should select Secure.
      • 安全的Wi-Fi网络有密码保护,通常在其名称旁有一个锁定图标.
  • After selecting NWMSU_Secure, enter your full Northwest Network Account username and current, non-expired password to join the Secure network.
  • Select to join the network.
    • 如果你不能加入网络,你的密码通常就是问题所在.
      • Either you typed it incorrectly or it is expired and needs to be changed prior to Wi-Fi setup. 
    • 如果是后者,请参见 Northwest Network Account.
  • After you join Northwest's Secure wireless network, 你通常会在网络旁边看到一个复选标记,屏幕左上角的Wi-Fi图标将表明你已连接.

Android Instructions 

  • At the Home screen, select the Apps icon.
  • Select Settings.
    • Make sure the Wi-Fi master control icon is On and not Off.
      • If it is set to Off, 一般来说,你需要做的就是把主控键从“关”滑到“开”,激活手机的Wi-Fi.
    • On some Android models, after tapping Settings, go to Connections and then Wi-Fi.
  • You should see a list of available networks.
  • 通过触摸名称选择要加入的Wi-Fi网络.
    • 可用的网络通常会显示在Wi-Fi网络下.
  • Northwest has three available networks Secure, Personal and Guest for you to choose from.
    • 教职员工、学生和组织的有效证件 Northwest Network Account usernames and passwords should select NWMSU_Secure.
      • 安全的Wi-Fi网络有密码保护,通常在其名称旁有一个“锁”图标.
  • If you are joining NWMSU_Secure, you will be prompted to type in your Northwest Network Account username and password.
  • Enter your Northwest Network Account username and valid, non-expired password.
  • Select the Connect button.
    • 如果你不能加入网络,你的密码通常就是问题所在.
      • Either you typed it incorrectly or it is expired and needs to be changed prior to Wi-Fi setup.  
    • If the latter is the case, see instructions on Understanding Your Northwest Login Credentials.
  • After you join Northwest's Secure wireless network, 你通常会在网络旁边看到一个复选标记,屏幕左上角的Wi-Fi图标将表明你已连接.

Manual Wireless setup on your Android

如果您在Android智能手机上没有看到可供选择的网络, 您可能需要手动添加网络连接.  手动添加连接,步骤如下:

  • Go to the Home screen.
  • Select Apps.
  • Select Settings.
  • Select Connections.
  • Select Wi-Fi.
  • Select Add network (+).
  • Enter the Network SSID.
    • 这是您正在连接的网络的名称:  NWMSU_Secure
  • Select the Security 网络级别和手机连接所需的任何选项, which are usually located in Advanced options.
  • 你应该知道的西北信息是:
    • Northwest Security is WPA2-Enterprise.
    • Northwest Network Authentication method is Microsoft Protected EAP (PEAP)/MSCHAPv2.
    • Encryption type is AES.
  • 如果您选择的安全级别与您的接入点不匹配, you will not be able to connect.
  • Since NWMSU_Secure 是一个安全的网络,你需要输入你的 Northwest Network Account username and valid, non-expired password where indicated.
  • Select Connect 存储新信息并连接到网络.
    • 如果你不能加入网络,你的密码通常就是问题所在.
      • Either you typed it incorrectly or it is expired and needs to be changed prior to Wi-Fi setup.
    • 如果是后者,请参见 Northwest Network Account.
  • After you join Northwest's Secure wireless network, 你通常会在网络旁边看到一个复选标记,屏幕左上角的Wi-Fi图标将表明你已连接.

Northwest Wi-Fi & Your Other Personal Devices

  • Personal Wi-Fi
    • 住在学生宿舍的学生可以使用吗.
    • 允许学生将个人设备连接到校园Wi-Fi,不能连接到 Secure Wi-Fi.
    • Requires a personal password that is sent to your Northwest email account.

Any Questions?

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